W.O.E. YouTube: CIA & Special Forces Trading A Rolex For Their Lives

W.O.E. YouTube: CIA & Special Forces Trading A Rolex For Their Lives

Myth Or Reality?

In the Intelligence and Special Operations community, a Rolex is often mentioned as a tool for escape and evasion, serving as a recognizable item of value that can be traded for a ride to the nearest border or a seat on the last plane out of a war-torn country in an emergency. But has a Rolex ever been used for this purpose or is this simply a myth, a tall tale told over beers? In our new episode on the W.O.E. YouTube Channel, we delve into the myths and realities of trading a Rolex for your life.

The concept is simple: Should you find yourself in need of immediate help, the watch can be utilized as a form of currency that can be traded for a few hours of shelter in a basement, a ride to the nearest international border, or a seat on the next plane out of a war-torn nation. A Rolex is easier to carry and less likely to be misplaced than ounces of gold or stacks of hundred-dollar bills. This all tracks, but has it ever happened in a real operational scenario? 

In this episode, we look to history, pop cultural anecdotes, and our own experiences to discover whether a Rolex has ever actually been traded for an intelligence officer or a special operator’s life.

Happy Hunting,

- W.O.E.


Jason Bourne stole the gold Rolex off the manager of the drug lab in the Philippines and traded it for a boat ride in the Bourne Legacy.
So there.


Dagger Dick, loved your testimony. Dairy Queen needs more mid level execs from former ops cadre such as yourself , please apply soon. Tesla cule Timmy

T. Robinson

Yeah, man, I’ll never forget. I was trapped in a cave in a denied area surrounded by baddies with no sense of humor. They’d found the survival knife I’d hidden on my person but somehow missed the carefully wrapped razor blade under my tongue. When they weren’t looking my way I slipped out the blade and quickly slit the throat of two of them. The third was so stunned I was able to knock him out with a blow to just the right spot. I made my way out into the bush, surviving on game and rainwater for three days until I found a village. I stole some clothes from a clothesline and hotwired a Hilux and hightailed it out. I could see from the commotion that my escape had been discovered. I drove all night to a major city, where I dumped the truck, found some other clothes and took a bus to the border with a friendly country. It was, fortunately, the day after a major holiday and the guards were sleepier than usual. Waiting until a bus full of migrant workers approached, I slipped in among the workers, my local clothes and headwear, combined with the guards’ stupor, miraculously got me through. Arriving to the other side, I made to catch a bus to the capital city but realized I had no local currency and the ATM wasn’t working. Looking at my wrist I realized the solution was there, so I traded my Rolex for a bus ticket. Saved my life.

Dirk Dagger, Secret Ops guy

This channel is everything I have ever wanted from watch media. Thank you WoE!


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