W.O.E. YouTube: Why SpecOps Wear Watches Inside The Wrist

W.O.E. YouTube: Why SpecOps Wear Watches Inside The Wrist

Take a look at any photo of a special operator during the Global War On Terror, and there’s a decent chance they will be “inside-wristing”, meaning wearing their watch on the inside of the wrist. But why is this the case? Does wearing a watch this way add genuine utility or is this simply a trend among the LARPing crowd?

In the newest episode of W.O.E. TV, we discuss the legitimate benefits and cultural factors behind wearing a watch this way. To be clear, if you’re someone who wears a watch this way to be “tacti-cool”, we’re not here to change your mind, simply to inform. We don’t make the rules.

Enjoy episode thirteen of W.O.E. TV.

Happy Hunting,


1 comment

When I first came in, many of my Staff-NCOs and Officers were Vietnam Vets. I was told that this is how it was done and have been wearing my watches inside my wrist ever since with a few exceptions. When I retired some years later, I tried wearing my watches in the standard fashion but it always felt awkward and although I can do it, I just choose not to as I tend to knock them around much more in this manner than if they are on the inside.

Alex Carrillo

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